
Energy First

By Shay Lynch

October 15, 2024

3 min read

What’s the point in having time if we don’t have the energy to use it effectively❓

I’ve delivered multiple workshops over the last few weeks, and this has been my opening question.

Energy is a finite resource, and before we talk about performance, we need to understand how to manage our energy.
More importantly, we need to learn how to lead it.

I’ve seen firsthand the consequences of poor energy management, and I’ve experienced it myself.

We live in a world obsessed with productivity, constantly on a rollercoaster of rapid change, uncertainty, and complexity.
And while it’s easy to blame external factors / people, we actually need to start by looking at ourselves.

And here’s a few points worth due consideration
⏩We are exactly where we’re supposed to be because of our own decisions, actions, emotions, and mindset.
⏩We need to take responsibility for our own emotions.

They are worth siting on an absorbing for a bit.

Our brains are designed to protect us and predict outcomes.
And in some ways our brains think we are still living in a hunter gatherer world, full of danger.
When it can’t do either, it becomes drained of energy.
⛔️Stress depletes our energy,
🔥While motivation fuels it.

And the stress we feel is like when our ancestors did when faced with danger,
When all ours is based on fear.

Often, it’s not that we are overwhelmed by what’s happening;
It’s that we allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed by the emotions we attach to situations.
The external world influences how we feel, and this in turn changes our energy levels.

Emotions are signals, not controllers.
When we feel something, it’s our brain telling us we need to take action.

But in today’s productivity-driven culture, we often don’t make time to process emotions or take the necessary actions.
As a result, emotions get trapped in our minds, grow, and combine with others, leading to stress and burnout.

Next time you feel an emotion rising, ask yourself: what is this emotion telling me?

What action do I need to take to release it?
You may not have the answer immediately, but your brain will start working on it.

Before we can reach peak performance, we must first learn to manage AND lead our energy.

Protect it, lead it, and the performance will follow.
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