
From Health To High Performance: 7 Habits for a Lifelong Journey

By Shay Lynch

August 8, 2024

3 min read

Habits mean different things to different people. While I’ve worked hard to cultivate good habits, I’m the first to admit that I still have plenty of bad ones—and I’m probably not even aware of some!

Developing habits is a journey, one that I’ve been actively pursuing over the last few years as part of my personal development.

I’ve come to rely on what I call my “7 Habits for Life” or the “7 Hs”, which support different areas of my existence:

Habit of Health – Prioritising physical well-being taking a  multifaceted approach and taking personal responsibility for my physical and mental wellbeing.

Habit of Healing – Committing to mental and emotional recovery which includes mindfulness and stress management. We are all great at the training the body, but we often forget to train the brain.

This was a challenge for me and so I developed a mantra here  #letitgo

Habit of Happiness – Seeking joy in the small things and maintaining a positive outlook, being grateful for what we have and not focus our attention on all the things that go wrong. Happiness can’t be taken for granted, and it doesn’t mean life will be easy.

Habit of Hope – Keeping an optimistic view of the future, even in challenging times. One of my mantras is to #keepmovingforward

Habit of Heart – Nurturing relationships and focusing on empathy and kindness.

Habit of Help – Offering support to others, contributing positively to my community and network. Another of my mantra’s is to #payitforward

Habit of High Performance – Striving for long term and sustainable excellence in all endeavours, the ones driven by purpose.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be diving into what each of these habits means to me and how they’ve shaped my approach to life.

The most recent addition to my list is the Habit of High Performance, centred around maintaining standards, doing things with intention, and committing to continual self-improvement.

Do I have these habits perfected?

Absolutely not. As I said, it’s a journey.

Creating and maintaining habits isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about striving to be a little better today than you were yesterday.

I’m a firm believer in the “little often” approach, where small steps taken daily can compound over time to result in significant improvements.

I hope that sharing these habits will inspire you to reflect on and possibly adopt new practices that could make a substantial difference in your life.


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