Habit of Hope
By Shay Lynch
September 5, 2024
What is hope? And how do you build a Habit around it?
These are questions, I hope to answer for you.
At its core, hope is more than just a wish for things to turn out well;
⏩It’s an active belief in the potential for positive outcomes and our capability to achieve them.
⏩It’s this belief that influences our decisions, actions, and resilience, impacting both our daily lives and evolutionary history.
💥Evolutionary Advantage of Hope:💥
Hope has played a crucial role in human survival and social evolution. It encouraged our ancestors to cooperate within communities, motivated them through difficult times, and drove them to explore and innovate.
This not only improved their chances of survival but also fostered social bonds that were essential for thriving communities.
💥Neuroscience Behind Hope: 💥
Neurologically, hope is rooted in the brain’s limbic system, involving key areas like the prefrontal cortex and amygdala. These areas regulate our emotions and motivate us towards goal-directed actions.
Neurochemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are released when we’re hopeful, enhancing our mood and driving us to pursue our goals, thereby making hope a powerful motivator that propels us forward.
⏩ During a brutal study in Harvard involving rats placed in a jar of water to test how long they could thread it. On average they would sink after 15 mins. Right before giving up though exhaustion, they were plucked them out, let them rest for a few mins before putting them back in.
❓How long do you think they lasted❓
60HoursThis behaviour, interpreted as hope, significantly increased their endurance, demonstrating that the expectation of a positive outcome can enhance persistence in the face of adversity.
💥Hope in Everyday Life: 💥
In daily practice, hope can manifest in various simple yet impactful ways:
⏩ Setting goals for personal growth or career advancement.
⏩ Maintaining a positive outlook even when faced with setbacks at work.
⏩ Believing in the success of a new project or venture despite uncertainties.
⏩ Supporting a colleague or friend through challenging times, nurturing a hopeful outlook together.
Hope is not just about expecting the best; it involves actively working towards making those expectations a reality, even when obstacles arise.
It’s a dynamic, empowering force that not only highlights the best of human intentions but also drives the continuous striving for improvement and fulfilment in both personal and professional realms..
⏩ Join the Conversation – How can bring hope into your daily life? 🔔
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