Understanding the current situation serves as a crucial cornerstone in the journey towards goal achievement.

Here’s why this initial step is crucial.:

⏩1. Understanding the STARTING POINT

Before embarking on the path towards your desired destination,

It’s imperative to KNOW your current location.

You must have a clear understanding of where you stand before developing  your journey forward..

⏩2. Taking a HOLISTIC VIEW of your Life

Adopting a holistic approach in all facets or you life will help to ascertain what sacrifices you will have to make,

AND what you are WILLING to make

We talked about the dark side of goals..

This serves as a safeguard against neglecting areas and not to forget them.


Maybe you are not 100% sure of what you want to achieve

This provides a structured mechanism to help you discover where you want to focus your attention for the year.

By evaluating each area of your life, you gain insight into areas ripe for development.

⏩4. Being HONEST

This is a great mechanism to be truly upfront and honest with YOURSELF, to be ACCOUNTABLE.

regular introspection allows you to remain candid with yourself, facilitating periodic check-ins to realign with your objectives. Personally, I undertake this reflective exercise annually as I set new challenges.

⏩5. Evolving MISSION / VALUES

Reviewing your mission and values ensures that your goals align with and contribute to their evolution. Failure to integrate your goals with your overarching purpose and values may hinder your endurance throughout the journey. Given the pressures of modern life, having a supportive mechanism is invaluable in sustaining progress.

🔍I recently underwent this process in January, dedicating close to two weeks to reflection, idea generation, and value clarification. By consistently engaging with these, I allowed time for absorbing them and weighing the pros and cons of each consideration.

While I habitually set goals across all facets of my life, this year holds a particularly audacious ambition for me: Completing an 80km Ultra Marathon over a mountain range.

I’m a sprinter by nature, and struggle on the recovery side of long runs.

And this is just a stepping stone for something bigger, A longer term challenge, something that is important to my soul. I can’t say it any other way than that.

This is a HUGE challenge for me, as my body is designed for sprinting.. I’ve instinctively always known that, and I recently got that confirmed from both genetic and metabolic tests that I’ve done.

So things are against me.. But that’s not going to stop me, I can create a strategy to minimise the impact and optimise it for long distance running.  I’m also getting more tests done, and once I receive the results, I will finalise my decision.


⏩ Join the Conversation – What are your big goals for this year?


#GoalSetting #Leadership #SelfReflection #PersonalDevelopment #AudaciousGoals