
Habit of Healing

By Shay Lynch

August 19, 2024

3 min read

Like many, I’ve faced numerous health challenges over the years. Rather than viewing these as setbacks, I see them as valuable feedback—opportunities to improve and adapt.

My journey began after a severe accident that resulted in significant blood loss and repeated prescriptions for antibiotics. This experience was a catalyst for change. It led me to reject quick fixes in favour of understanding the root causes of my health issues .

⏩Over time, I’ve dealt with early-onset heart disease, grade 3 hypertension, severe iron overload, arrhythmia issues, and numerous sports-related injuries.

Thankfully, everything is currently stable, but I don’t take this for granted.

Instead of turning to medication as a first resort, I’ve committed to researching and developing personal health protocols that I still follow as part of my preventative strategy.

⏩Through collaborations with experts and rigorous tracking of essential data, I’ve managed to stabilise my conditions without medication—though I remain open to it if necessary.

⏩For instance, monitoring my blood pressure daily for a year taught me the patterns that affected it.

The most significant improvements came from increasing dietary potassium and reducing stress—factors that also seemed to influence my arrhythmia.

✅Qi Gong and calming breathwork are now crucial elements of my daily routine, helping maintain my mental and physical health. Currently, I’m addressing digestive challenges, aware that training for an ultra-marathon might complicate this issue temporarily.

Yet, this is just another step in my health journey. I’ve identified safe foods and integrated what I’ve learned into my preventative protocols.

💥As mentioned previously, Health is not a linear journey; it’s full of twists and turns and requires vigilance against various stressors—be they self-imposed, environmental, or from our modern lifestyle.

⏩ Fasting has become a key component of my healing strategy.

When feeling run down, I fast between 24-120 hours, allowing my body and mind the space to recover. Post-marathon, I plan an extended fast to help my body recover from the intense training and the race itself.

I don’t advocate a one-size-fits-all approach but encourage everyone to research and understand their health to have informed discussions with their trusted healthcare providers. The goal is to increase health span, not just to mask symptoms. Corrective and preventative measures can ensure that the issues that knock us down don’t keep us there to the very best of our ability.


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