🔊 As we are saying goodbye to the end of the year we can always look forward with hope. One of my favourite sayings is to #keepmovingforward 🔊

Because even when it’s bad, it’s good… There is always something to be grateful for – and always remember to keep your eye on the prize.

But what does that mean?

I spend a lot of time with businesses at this time of year supporting them in building their strategic vision for the year ahead. 

And while this is an important activity to always do, and even more important to execute a precision plan to ensure this success, it’s also very important to look back on the year gone past and absorb it all, take it all in. Be very grateful that you have another year, and another opportunity, to improve on your existing achievements.

For me it has been a good year, I achieved my strategy vision. I feel very grateful.

I set up a series of masterclasses

🏆I won an award

🎯I was selected to chose some of the best companies in my country

Now I have set myself an even bolder strategy vision for 2022. More on this again. 

But going back to being on a judging panel. One of the shortlisted businesses that I was assessing took time to talk to me. The word that stood out for me was that he and his business were just so grateful to be here and have this opportunity. The opportunity to build a bigger and better business in the coming year.

But what does grateful mean I asked

Grateful to my Customers, they are the reason I have been given a bigger and better opportunity for the year ahead.

Grateful to my Team, they are the reason I have customers in the first place. As Richard Branson says ‘Clients do not come first, Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your Clients.’

Grateful to myself, that I have been able to make a difference in people’s lives, both my team’s and your client’s.

This put shivers down my spine.

How is this useful to you

And how can you use Gratitude to keep your eye on the PRIZE

As we’ve learned, the hard way over the last number of years, in business there is no room to sit still, the companies that did have their ship stranded in the harbour when the tide went out. Nothing can be taken for granted and if you are not improving moving forward, you are moving backwards! Keep asking those questions I spoke about in my previous post! How can you continually improve things for yourself? 



And you

That is the purpose of setting strategy visions and business plans for the year ahead. You have to continually improve your business model and service delivery. And I will repeat, nothing can be taken for granted and you most certainly can’t leave things to chance. This is all about making sure you take nothing for granted, keeping your eye on the prize and I don’t need to tell you the consequence of leaving this to chance.