🔊 Rome wasn’t built in a day – either will your success!
This is a quote I repeat often

While it’s always great to see people and businesses with great energy at the start of a new year
Remember, energy is finite, it should be used wisely

🚀Building your vision, takes time..
And before you build your vision
✅ It’s important to build the foundations FIRST

Those foundation need to be designed
They are not just any foundations
They have to be tailored for

✅ Your needs
✅ Your client’s needs
✅ Your team’s needs
✅ Your business’s needs

This doesn’t happen overnight
I often see businesses launching into their new strategy
Which is admirable

However, you have to know your starting point
You also have to ensure you and your teams have capacity
That implies that you MUST create capacity to work on this
It can’t be a bolt on, that is more work on top of a full workload

That’s the quickest way to burnout

As they old saying goes
‘Fools rush in’

It also takes time to figure out what works
To build the foundations for achieving your vision
We can’t predict the future
However we can test on a small scale before ramping up to what works
BUT also
It’s important to ensure you create capacity for this

There’s a simple way to build this view

✅ STOP doing
⛔️START doing
🌀CONTINUE doing / Improve

What will you STOP to make capacity to START❓
What is WORKING that you want to CONTINUE ❓
And can you do it BETTER❓

As stated at the beginning
Rome wasn’t built in a day
Either will your vision

Focus on building momentum, not speed
It’s marathon not a sprint

Focus on finding that sweet stop
The activities that work for all involved..
It will happen if you have the courage to try

Wishing everyone a successful year
May it be your best yet

#futurestateacademy #systemsthinking #business #goals #continuous improvement #strategy #vision #future #success #team #energy