To say I’m honored to achieve this Master Practitioner Award with a prestigious Tribe like All-Ireland Business Foundation is an understatement. 

Reflecting on the past 3 years I’ve consistently been the highest scoring business. And yes, I can say that I feel very proud of this achievement.

My achievements

  • 2019 – I won Thought Leader of the Year
  • 2020 – I held on to the Title of Thought Leader
  • 2021 – I am the 1st in the Association’s history to receive the title of Master Practitioner

For further information

15 years ago I set off on a journey working for myself, and like life it’s been a rollercoaster where I’ve faced many ups and downs. I’ve had a few businesses and been through 2 recessions, but still I am here. Little did I know that I would make it this far, but I always trusted in myself and my journey. 

You have to remember that time will always keep on changing and yes, also I have ridden a few storms but I always kept true to my path. That is why this  award means so much to me. It tells me the journey is going in the right direction and the faith I’ve always kept has been rewarded.

Right now I only feel more motivated to become better at what I do, which means solving my customer’s problems, and becoming a better person every day.

It reminds me that life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but moments like these portraits that it can be!

My sincere appreciation to all at All-Ireland Business Foundation for your trust and belief in my services. I do really value this Master Practitioner Award greatly, but what is even a bigger honor to me is to be  of this amazing tribe.