Sales & Systems are two of the most important words in doing business, especially in this new world.

Sales systems are not just about WHAT you do, but HOW you do it. 

A lot of small businesses are opening their doors again. Which is great, but it’s the time for being PROACTIVE to get results and develop a business strategy

While digital marketing strategies are foundational. The most important thing you can do for your business is to go back to tried and tested means.

That is: 

  • Knock on doors
  • Pick up the phone
  • Start with existing customers
  • Then outreach programs for new customers

I can’t stress enough the importance of strong Outreach programs.

Don’t get stuck in the ‘Field of Dreams’ approach, i.e. Build it and they will come.

NO, you proactively go to them. 

Along with that, ensure you are mindful of building a system thinking approach to success.

There is no room for error, many companies need a good start and a fighting chance. 

70% of why businesses don’t last longer than 2 years is poor performing systems. 

But this is something you have absolute control over, don’t let this be the reason for your struggles.

I will be here to answer your questions about sales systems. Please get in touch with me, I’d love to help and find your businesses HOW to build a strong outreach program.