One of the main reasons businesses fail is a poor customer retention rate, and now more than ever is the time to learn how to hold on to them.
I can’t stress this enough during the best of economies never minding the challenging times we are facing today..
Sales is a huge process, in fact an engine in its own right. There are so many moving parts, and what I stress in this video, is actually no different than what I would teach for a normal sales system, the only difference here is that you may want to focus your attention more on a few key elements, that is
- Customer retention &
- Outbound campaigns
There is no one magic part to getting the sales process right, and I urge you to work on your funnel, while you will get a good overview of the macro process, I go into more detail in the following videos
- Breaking down the sales system
- Breaking down the sales funnel
- The power of feedback in sales
- The sales accumulator
- The aftersales process
There are great nuggets so please watch..
What I want you to really focus on now is going back to basics and getting out there to remind your market you are there.. While there are push and pull strategies, now is time to push, pick up the phone and focus on outbound sales removing any reliance on waiting for the phone to ring. That’s great when times are good, not so when during recessions..I witnessed so many companies being decimated in the last recession as they forgot how to sell.
Along with this, whatever customers you do have, make sure you stay close to them and become a trusted partner. The aftersales process video above discusses great strategies to achieve this.
I always suggest mapping this process out on a wall somewhere, step by step so you can visually see what you are going to do at each stage. A picture will paint a 1000 words and help you tweak and improve it as required to get the right results.
Another key point here is how can you learn to add value before the sale, to show potential customers you are not just in it for the quick hit OR using the same approach with existing customers, how can you continue to add value after the sale!!